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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Shish Tawook...the dish that started it all

Tonight I will make Shish Tawook.  This was a recipe my husband saw and asked me to make. This one is also from Ded
What you need to do early (either the night before, or in the morning) is marinate the chicken.  I have discovered that putting everything in a Ziploc bag and then putting it in the fridge is the best for two reasons:
1. Lack of space in the Swiss fridges that come with the flats (unless you have room in your Keller for another one or just happen to be lucky.
2. Because of the lack of space, and depending on how often you shop, it is not always feasible to put a bowl in the fridge that will stay there for a few hours - and - if placed precariously, said bowl could tumble out, not only spilling all your lovely smelling marinating chicken, but also cracking your bowl in half. Not that that's happened to me or anything :-)
So - Ikea has great packages of seal-able bags that come in two size packs very cheaply. I suggest a visit :)

What you need:
I use 4 chicken breasts so we can have leftovers the next day. Slice into 1 inch pieces
2 containers of Greek yogurt - available at Coop or Migros
2 cloves of garlic (The Asian store has minced garlic if you find you use it often)
2 Tbls ketchup
1/2 Tbls tomato paste - found in tubes in Coop/Migros in the pasta section
1/4 c lemon juice (at Migros by the soda, at Coop, by the baking goods)
1 tsp paprika (same in German and English)
Basmati rice

Plastic bags are your friend
Marinate the chicken for at least 3 hours - I've done as little as 2 and as much as 24.
Heat a pan with olive oil and add the chicken (marinade included) - cook until done (10-15 minutes with all the juice)
I make Basmati rice and add some cucumber slices for color. Tonight we will probably have broccoli as well since my 7 month old can't seem to get enough of it :)