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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Migros recipes - Bratwurst and a cheesy veggie

I've been getting the Coop and Migros magazines/flyers/newsletters - whatever you call them - in the mail.  Sometimes I glance through them, and sometimes they end up being used as packaging material.  Lately I've been looking in them though. There are coupons inside and recipes.  Can't believe I haven't looked sooner.  I figure any recipe I find in the Coop or Migros stores/catalogs are bound to be a lot cheaper than trying to create something from home that probably requires 6 chf/100g worth of meat.

Normally I translate bits and pieces of a recipe, but this time I didn't bother.  I thought my German was coming along well enough that I could try without it.  I will post the original recipe in German, and also a rough translation of it for you. The only thing I didn't do was keep all the juices to go in with the sauce, but it still ended up being tasty.  I also used only 400g of the vegetable since there were only 2 of us eating.  Be aware that it does cook down.

What you need: To serve 4
Butter for your mold, or large dish
2 Tbls bread crumbs
800 g cabbage stalks
1 onion
2 garlic cloves
1 Tbls oil
1 dl white wine
1 dl vegetable bouillon
2Tbls butter
2 Tbls flour
1.5 dl cream
pepper, nutmeg
80 g Gruyere
4 pork sausages.  I actually did a combination of Cervelas and Kalb brautwurst

1. You can use either several small molds or one large dish to cook this in.  I chose the small dishes (have to keep finding uses for the ones I bought in Mullhouse!).  Butter the dish - like you would a cake pan, and then drop a spoonful of the breadcrumbs in.  If you use the breadcrumbs that Migros sell, which I did, then they are like little granules. Just swish them around in the dish until they have coated the butter.

Chop the cabbage up.  The stalks into 2 cm wide pieces, and the leaves into 2cm wide strips.

2. Dice the onion and garlic and saute in oil.  Add the cut cabbage stalks, white wine and broth.  Cover and cook for about 5-10 minutes, until the stalks are softened. Add the cut cabbage leaves and mix briefly.  Remove the cabbage mixture from the pan, saving the juices.

3. Preheat the oven to 220 C.  Melt the butter and add the flour. Mix well and add the juices. Bring to a boil, then turn down to a simmer for 5 minutes.  Add the cream, pepper and nutmeg to taste. 

Put the cabbage mixture in the dish(es) and then add the cream sauce to the top.  Grate the Gruyere cheese on top and then place in the oven for about 15-20 minutes.  

Meanwhile, cook your sausages. 

And here is the recipe in German as I may not have translated it correctly.  From this weeks Migros magazine: (sorry about the lack of umlauts) 
Butter fuer die Form
2 EL Paniermehl
800g Krautstiele
1 Zwiebel
2 Knoblauch  zehen
1 EL Oel
1 dl Weisswein
1 dl Gemuese bouillon
2 EL Butter
2 EL Mehl
1,5 dl Rahm
Pfeffer, Muskatnuss
80g Greyerzer
4 Schweins bratwuerste

1. Eine grosse Form oder mehrere kleine, ofenfeste Formen mit Butter bepinseln und mit Paniermehl ausstreuen, Krautstielblaetter von den Staengeln schneiden. Staengel in 2 cm grosse Stuecke. Blaetter in circa 2 cm breite Streifen schneiden.

2. Zwiebel und Knoblauch hacken im oel anduensten. Krautstielstaengel dazugeben, salzen. Mit Weisswein und Bouillion abloeschen und zugedeckt circa 5-10 Minuten bissfest garen. Krautstie blaetter daruntermischen.

3. Backofen auf 220C vorheizen. Krautstiele abgissen, Kochsud auffangen. Butter erhitzen, Mehl darin anduensten. Kochsud dazuglessen, Sauce aufkochen und ca. 5 Minuten unter Ruehren koecheln lassen. Rahm dazugeben. Sauce mit Pfeffer und Muskat abschmecken. Krautstiele in die Form geben, Sauce ueber das Gemuese glessen. Mit Greyerzer bestreuen. Krautstiele in der oberen Ofenhaelfte 15-220 Minuten ueerbaken.

4. In der Zwischenzeit die Schweinsbratwuerste braten und zu dem Krautstielgratin servieren.